Right now there are several back to school deals going on everywhere you look. Sales are happening in retail stores with buy one get one free and it is no different with cell phones if you know where to look. Some of the best deals are happening online. This article is written to help you discover how you can get a Sony Ericsson W5801 Walkman free when you open up a new agreement with AT&T; which was formerly known as Cingular.
This is one of the latest and hottest phones and right now it is available free to any new customer who opens up an agreement with AT&T. Anyone can get a Sony Ericsson W5801 Walkman free; if you are unhappy with your current phone or your provider it may be the chance to get one of the best deals. All you have to do is sign a two year agreement with AT&T and after two years if you decide that you want to go with someone else; then the phone is yours to keep even if you do not renew your agreement.
People switch companies all the time; especially when there are deals like this. They are given some of the most popular phones; and everyone knows that if you were to purchase a phone like the Sony Ericsson W5801 Walkman then you would be paying several hundreds of dollars.
This phone is perfect for anyone who wants to stay in touch with family and friends while being able to share video clips through MMS. It comes with advanced features like TrackID, True Bass and Graphic Equalizer. The screen on the Sony Ericsson W5801 Walkman features great clarity with its 262K color TFT screen.
It is sleek and stunning and easy to carry anywhere you want; plus it has many accessories available that make it easy to carry anywhere you want. You can easily transfer music without any difficulty with the assistance of a Disc2Phone CD-ripping software. The memory on the phone is 12MB but can be easily expanded to suit your needs.
You can keep in touch with family and friends with one of the hottest phones available. This phone is popular among people who love to jog or exercise because it has a built in feature that allows you to lose weight while you are exercising.
You can have it all with this phone entertainment and the capability to stay in touch while you are away. You can find some of the best deals with AT&T; and if you need more than one phone to keep in touch you can browse some of the family phones that all come with rollover minutes. Which means that you never have to lose any of your unused minutes. They keep rolling over to the next month; so you just keep accruing more talk time.
If you found this article on "get a Sony Ericsson W5801 Walkman free with AT&T" helpful; visit our site below. You can get your free Sony Ericsson W5801 Walkman today. Feel free to browse our site and view several of the other great deals that will enable you to get a free phone as well.
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